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25 Dec-5th Jan

The Age of Conan - New
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The Age of Conan - New

Starting at: $72.42

Designer(s): Roberto Di Meglio, Francesco Nepitello, Marco Maggi
Year: 2009
Players: 2 - 4
Time: 90 minutes
Ages: 12 and up

Thief, barbarian, pirate, king -- Robert E. Howard's tales of the exploits and adventures of Conan have inspired generations.

The Age of Conan strategy board game allows players to each control one of the four major kingdoms of Hyboria. Command armies, wield dark sorcery, or weave cunning intrigue -- all are needed in order to conquer your enemies and make your kingdom the most powerful in the world. Yet, even the most powerful of rulers ignores one man at his great peril. Only one kingdom will harness the volatile alliance of the mightiest hero of all -- Conan the Cimmerian!

How to Win

Victory is achieved by subjugating vassal provinces using military strength, creating alliances using your emissaries, fighting the other players, and by achieving specific objectives which become available throughout the game. You can benefit from the adventures of Conan, by accumulating adventure tokens and, at the end of the game, by trying to make Conan the ruler of your kingdom. The game ends at the end of the third age, or when, during the third age, a player attempts to crown Conan as the ruler of their kingdom.

At that point, the players measure their achievements by calculating their final scores and the winner is determined.


The game is played over three ages, each composed of a variable number of individual player turns, which are based on the roll of the fate dice.

The duration of each age is regulated by the adventure cards mechanic: when all four cards in the current adventure deck have been revealed and completed, the age ends, and all players engage in a series of activities (called the age change phase) during which they build up and prepare their kingdoms for the battles and conquests of the next age.

A new adventure deck is composed and a new age begins.

When three ages have been played completely, or when there is an attempt to crown Conan (during the third age), the game ends

Inspired by War of the Ring, which was designed by the same team, Age of Conan has gone through considerable change during development.

Here is the promotional video by Fantasy Flight:

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  • Manufactured by: Fantasy Flight Games

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