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We are closed

25 Dec-5th Jan

We are closed

25 Dec-5th Jan

Happy Valley Road
Owhiro Bay
Wellington 6023
022 0269 559

Board games in schools:
If you are interested in using board and card games in schools for education or at lunchtime - use this form and we will send you some information on rental packages and our education discounts on new games.

Getting started
We are happy to offer schools 15 games for 4 weeks as a free trial of board games in schools. The school only pays the postage costs (mainly for those outside Wellington). Check out the trial pack here. The feedback we have had from both the schools and students involved in using these games as either lunchtime entertainment or in class learning support has been fantastic and overwhelmingly positive.

Games for educators
If you are interested in more information from the web on the uses of board games in an education environment visit Games for Educators website with great articles and information

Great Games Club fund raiser:
We offer parents access to the games at a discount from our normal retail prices, and we will donate 20% of our profits from games sales to parents to the school. This is our Great Games Club with a brochure that goes to parents every term offering a wide range of games. (Download latest brochure here - 5MB)

Contact us by email:
For general games information or Games in schools please email us at:

